• All-in

    Financial support for projects contributing to inclusive

    social entrepreneurship


    Social Enterprise NL seeks to fund organizations that create equal oppurtunities for social entrepreneurs with a migrant background, as part of the All-in program aiming to create an inclusive social enterprise movement.


  • Terms of reference

  • What is Social Enterprise NL?


    Social Enterprise NL (SE NL) is the national network for social enterprises. Social entrepreneurs seek solutions to societal challenges, with their social mission taking precedence (impact first!). Like regular businesses, social enterprises provide products or services, but profit is not their primary goal; it is primarily a means to make the world a little better. SE NL creates a more favorable social entrepreneurship environment through lobbying for more active governments, better laws and regulations, and the availability of capital from investors.

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    To make social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands more inclusive, we have started the All-In program. In the first phase, we examined the challenges and opportunities for underrepresented social entrepreneurs. Our findings, along with those of other studies, indicate that social entrepreneurs with a migration background face additional obstacles. Their qualities and qualifications are often not recognized and appreciated; despite the difference they are making in diverse communities. The report "Iedereen aan de bak" (Everyone to work) provides recommendations to address these problems.


    In the second phase of the All-In program, we provide these social entrepreneurs and the organizations supporting them a unique opportunity to be recognized. We do this by funding their submitted projects that create equal opportunities for social entrepreneurs with a migration background. Through our call for proposals, we aim to strengthen the impact of our movement.

  • Which projects?

    We fund projects focusing on inclusive themes for social entrepreneurs with a migration background, such as creating a community, reaching diverse groups, or developing tailor-made funding programs. Initiatives may dive into aspects of the main themes listed below or other relevant topics. For example, by developing new ideas or building on existing impactful initiatives. We specifically encourage those who may think they are not 100% suitable (or just starting) to submit their project ideas so that we can explore the possibilities together.


    Timeline and Budget


    The project duration is a maximum of 6 months, ending no later than July 31, 2024. Final project proposals must be submitted by January 15, 2024 at 23:59 PM. The project budget falls within a range of €40,000 to €80,000. We are interested in submissions of smaller new project ideas and larger existing projects that wish to grow and align with our mission to create a more inclusive social enterprise movement.

  • Conditions


    Project proposals are welcome in English or Dutch, with content being more important than language proficiency in our evaluation. In our application and selection process, we uphold the principles of DEI&B. We aim to finance initiatives that make a difference but have not previously been adequately recognized or supported by funders. We encourage those who may think they are not 100% suitable (or just starting) to submit their project ideas so that we can explore the possibilities together. 

  • Expression of interest

    We invite organizations interested in applying for funding to submit their proposals:

    1. By first submitting a project idea and then a full proposal if they see a match. 
    2. Or by directly submitting a full proposal. 

    Project idea

    Upload general information about your project idea and team via this link below which will lead you to a form. You can submit your answers in writing or choose to upload a video or audio recording. The deadline for submitting the project idea is December 17, 2023. 


    We will carefully review the ideas and provide feedback by December 20, 2023. This opportunity allows you to share your interest with us earlier and, if necessary, request additional guidance (see below).


    Full proposal

    To submit your full project proposal use the link below which will lead you to a form. Download these formats with specific requirements for the project plan & budget and team. It is mandatory to use these formats. During the application period, you can save your concept in the system. The deadline for submitting your final project proposal is January 15, 2024.  


    Online webinars to answer questions


    We offer two Q&A webinars for interested organizations wishing to submit their projects to answer questions about the process or the content of the call.  


    De first Q&A-webinar takes place on 11 december 2023 from 14:00-15:00. Read some of the asked questions here.


    The second Q&A-webinar takes place on 20 december 2023 from 15:30-16:30. Read some of the asked questions here.

  • Selection Process

    We will anonymize the full proposals, and a carefully selected jury will evaluate them. This jury consists of a diverse group of social entrepreneurship experts and underrepresented founders (to be announced soon). To avoid conflicts of interest, jury members will refrain from evaluating a project with which they are connected in any way. 

    We will send our final decision and feedback by January 31, 2024. 


    We will organize a kick-off meeting on February 5, 2024, for all selected organizations. Please keep this date open in your schedule; attendance is required as part of the funding obligations. 


    Selected projects


    At the closure of the funding call on January 15th, the counter stood at 84 applications. It's fantastic to see so many organizations committed to equal opportunities for social entrepreneurs with a migration background. After an intensive and anonymous evaluation process by an external jury with diverse backgrounds, consisting of Senna Bouteba, Caroline Essers, Mohammed Azzouz, and Edwin Teljeur, ten projects have been ultimately selected.


    The projects chosen to receive financial support from the All-in program are Platform for Migration and Integration (P4Mi), Coöperatie Social Enterprise Lab U.A., Pangea Incubator, Stichting Bevordering Beeldvorming Internationale Samenleving (BBIS), Bill Blitz, De Kookschool, New Dutch Connections, Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship (FASE), Stichting Dutch New Narrative Lab Foundation, and Kringwijs. Their activities aimed at creating equal opportunities for social entrepreneurs with a migration background were evaluated based on impact, innovation, problem/solution fit, inclusion, and organization.


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  • Contact

    Throughout the entire application process, we are also available to offer guidance and mentorship to applicants. You can send an email with questions to the project managers.

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    Asma Naimi

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    Sanne Siemerink